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Top 20 Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology

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Cardiovascular Anatomy

Heart, University of Michigan

Lab Manual  |  Practical Questions  |  Written Questions  |  Dissection VIdeo  

University of Michigan provides a great resource to study cardiovascular anatomy. You can start with reviewing the lab manual, which contains objectives and dissection instructions. Then practice identifying structures with practical questions, and finally practice with written questions.

Circulatory System, khanacademymedicine (10 videos)

Playlist from Khan Academy containing videos on the Circulatory System. Below are two of the most helpful videos found in the playlist.

Layers of the Heart, khanacademymedicine (12:12)

This video describes the three layers of the heart: endocardium, myocardium, and pericardium.

Flow through the Heart, khanacademymedicine (7:50)

This video provides an overview of how blood flows through the heart. It explains the systemic and pulmonary differences in blood flow.

Cardiovascular System Anatomy, Armando Hasudungan (11:19)

The drawings and the descriptions of the anatomy of the heart are well described and well paced, so you can easily follow along and learn what is being taught.

Anatomy of the Heart, Handwritten Tutorials (4:19)

Anatomy of the Heart Valves, Handwritten Tutorials (4:07)

Conduction Pathway of the Heart, Handwritten Tutorials (2:58)

These videos contain handdrawn images that are described in good detail to understand the anatomy of the heart in a way that you can draw and learn.  

Circulatory System Anatomy, Samuel Chen (2:54)

Quick walk through of the anatomy of the coronary circulation arteries and cardiac veins using a heart model. Very clear explanation and easy to follow along.

Cardiac Anatomy HD part1, MedivisionFilms (9:43)

Cardiac Anatomy HD part2, MedivisionFilms (10:03)

The anatomy of the heart is described using a gross heart specimen.

Introduction to the anatomy of the heart, Andrew Wolf (20:53)

Video describes the anatomy of the heart along with pericardium, myocardium, and endocardium using colored drawings.

Cardiovascular Physiology


Khan Academy Medicine has created many videos and playlists for cardiovascular physiology. We have them listed below. Each series of videos help to build a foundation on a key concept that will be used many times throughout your lessons in understanding the cardiovascular system in detail. It is very important to learn these well, so take the time to create the foundation before moving on.

Heart Depolarization, khanacademymedicine (2:05:13)

This playlist includes 1. Membrane Potentials - Part 1, 2. Membrane Potentials - Part 2, 3. Permeability and Membrane Potentials, 4. Action Potentials in Pacemaker Cells, 5. Action Potentials in Cardiac Myocytes, 6. Reseting Cardiac Concentration Gradients, 7. Electrical System of the Heart, 8. Depolarization Waves Flowing through the Heart, 9. A Race to Keep Pace!, 10. Thinking about Heartbeats, and 11. New Perspective on the Heart.

Pressure-Volume Loops, khanacademymedicine (1:52:58)

This playlist includes 1-3. Pressure in the Left Heart - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, 4. Left Ventricular Pressure vs. Time, 5. Drawing a Pressure-Volume Loop, 6. Understanding the Pressure-Volume Loop, 7. End Diastolic Pressure-Volume Relationship (EDPVR), 9. End Systolic Pressure-Volume Relationship (ESPVR), and 10. Reimagine the Pressure Volume Relationship.

Changing the PV Loop, khanacademymedicine (1:54:33)

This playlist includes 1. What is Preload?, 2. What is Afterload?, 3.  Increasing the Heart's Force of Contraction, 4. Reimagine the Pressure Volume Relationship, 5.What is Contractility?, 6. Getting Ea (Arterial Elastance) from the PV Loop, 7. Arterial Elastance (Ea) and Afterload, 8. Arterial Elastance (Ea) and Preload, 9. Stroke Work in PV Loops and Boxes, and 10. Contractility, Ea, and Preload Effects on PV Boxes

Heart Muscle Contraction, khanacademymedicine (1:03:13)

This playlist includes 1. Three Types of Muscle, 2. Heart Cells Up Close!, 3. Myosin and Actin, 4. Tropomyosin and troponin and their role in regulating muscle contraction, 5. Calcium Puts Myosin to Work, 6. Sympathetic Nerves Affect Myosin Activity, and 7. Why Doesn't the Heart Rip?

Resistance in a Tube, khanacademymedicine (8:52)

Using the resistance formula, factors that increase or decrease resistance is well explained.

Putting it all together: Pressure, flow, and resistance, khanacademymedicine (11:49)

Pressure equals blood flow times resistance. Each part of the equation is explained before bringing together the equation to understand total body resistance.

Nerve Regulation of the Heart, khanacademymedicine (48:22)

This playlist includes 1. Changing the AV Node Delay - Chronotropic Effect, 2. Changing the Heart Rate - Chronotropic Effect, 3. Increasing Ventricular Contractility - Inotropic effect, 4. Autonomic Nervous System Effects on the Heart, and 5. Getting a New Heart.

The Cardiac Cycle, ECGtoCardiology (7:22)

This is a very well designed video that concisely explains the cardiac cycle with the Wiggers diagram. Pressures, ECG, and jugular venous pulse are also included.